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Ancillary Services

Depending on the amount of time and human resources involved in delivering the service, some ancillary services may attract a charge, but any such charge would be subject to approval by the board, or Chairperson or Board Member nominated by the Board, and confirmed by email or letter and minuted at a Board Meeting.


  • Attendance at extra Board meetings, AGMs and EGMs over and above the agreed schedule of meetings.
  • Advertising for, interviewing checking references and recruitment of caretakers, which are employed directly by the Management Company.
  • Preparation and administration of insurance claims in the event of an exceptional occurrence, eg., major flood, fire, explosion, storm damage to buildings, subsidence, involving the agent in an exceptionally heavy workload (say, in excess of four hours). In some cases the attendant professional fees may be recoverable in the subsequent insurance claim.
  • Attendance at Legal proceedings / Dispute resolutions / Court hearings.
  • Acting as Project Manager, or assisting the Consultant / Project Manager appointed to oversee major building refurbishments, upgrading and new works projects, eg., Renewal and upgrading entire intercom systems, rewiring of common electrical services, sourcing and fitting new front entrance doors, replacing letterboxes in a complex, replacing windows old for new, replacing water holding tanks, replacing lifts, new installations (eg., new automatic car-park entrance gates), upgrading fire ducts, emergency lighting and fire alarms to meet changing standards involving the agent in an exceptionally heavy workload over and above what would be considered normal (say, in excess of four hours). Any fees on such a project would be chargeable to the project.

Services where the cost is borne by 3rd parties:

  • Preparing detailed replies to Solicitors' Requisitions on the Management Company / pre- contract enquiries where properties are changing hands.
  • Providing a property service within an owner's private unit at the request of and by prior agreement with the unit owner.


  • Act as Company Secretary to the OMC
  • Prepare returns for filing with the CRO including Annual Return; Change of director/secretary or their registered details, cessation of a director / secretary, change of registered office, filing Special Resolutions
  • Provide or make available to unit owners Memorandum and Articles of Association, upon request
  • Maintain the Membership Register of the OMC and issue new owners with Membership Certificates on change of ownership
  • Arrange, on the instructions of the OMC’s Company Secretary, the General Meetings of the OMC, and prepare, produce and circulate the necessary reports and notices in accordance with Sections 17, 18, 19 and 23 of the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011
  • Distribute minutes of general meetings to unit owners
  • Prepare draft minutes of meetings
  • Provide the registered office address
  • Keep the Company seal and minute book

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