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Emergency Services

This service is on call 24 hours 365 days a year and includes:

Responding to calls and taking appropriate action in the case of any emergency affecting internal/external common areas and services. It does not include dealing with any emergency inside an apartment unless the cause is attributable to an incident within the common areas or services (see below).

  • Water leaks.
  • Water pump faults.
  • Electrical faults to lighting/essential services.
  • Security hazards.
  • Gate control system faults.
  • Fire alarm system faults.
  • Lift break-down (residents may also contact Lift Company directly).
  • Roof storm damage/defects/flooding.
  • Glass repairs/front door damage/vandalism.
  • Alarm activation (subject to owner/unit information on file) - Emergency contacts.

ALSO: Assisting residents on an individual/personal basis in dealing with their own emergencies , if engaged to do so – (strictly subject to separate charge payable by the individual lessee/tenant in each case).

  • Flooding.
  • Electrical faults.
  • Door/window damage.
  • Plumbing problems/burst/leaking water cylinders.

NB. The cost of work inside apartments must be borne by the caller in all cases except in the following circumstances:

  • Water damage traced to mains or common area supply.
  • Electrical failure traced to common area mains supply.
  • Any other fault originating in common area.

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